“Surrender to what is. Let go of what was. Have faith in what will be.” Sonia Ricotti

Surrendering is not a sign of weakness. It’s the opposite – it’s a sign of strength. It takes courage to admit that you can’t do something alone and need help. When you surrender, you are releasing control and admitting that you can’t handle your challenge on your own.

By surrendering, I don’t mean giving up on your goals and dreams. You can still take action toward your goals, but surrendering will allow you to reach them quicker.

Many times we set big goals and dreams for ourselves, and we start with the best of intentions.  We dream , and then we decide and even may start doing, but then at the first sign of trouble, or a missed step we get frustrated and give up too soon. The bigger your dream, the more likely you are to let it go, because you don’t feel like you deserve it. Dreams are based on passion and excitement, and if you’re not excited about your dream, it’s probably not big enough for you to believe in. Not big enough for you to surrender all to make it happen.

Surrender means to give yourself fully to something. For example, if you are working hard at a job and you focus on making it work out for the best, then your chances of it working out increase dramatically. If instead, you are fearful and nervous about what will happen next, then it will be harder for the situation to work out for the best.

By surrendering, I don’t mean giving up on your goals and dreams. You can still take action toward your goals, but surrendering will allow you to reach them quicker. Surrender is a powerful tool. It allows you to let go of the things that are holding you back and experience more of what you want.

The Benefits of Surrendering

Surrendering allows you to see the big picture

Surrendering helps you see progress in your journey, not just the lack thereof

Surrendering helps you trust the process

Surrendering can help you feel more peace during difficult times

Surrendering is a blueprint to release stress and anxiety

Three Tips To Surrender and Finally Win

    1. Surrendering to the fact that you need to let go.   Letting go of your current path and instead follow a new direction requires courage. It requires you to be honest with yourself, not only about what you want but also what you need.

    1. Prioritize your dream and put your own airbag on first. It is not selfish or self centered it is self care. When you prioritize and focus on what is most important to you will build energy and your muscles for success. 

  1. Ask yourself these questions to go deeper. You will be able to determine what may be holding you back from surrendering to your dreams and goals. What do I want? What can I let go of? What can I push through? How committed am I to my dream? Am I willing to take the necessary steps every day to reach my big dream?

“It’s time for trust and surrender.” Anonymous

And Remember: You’re Not Alone.

Magic happens when you let go, surrender, and trust. You have to let your control go and release your goal into the Universe and God. Trust that work you’ve done and continue to do will get you there. Be open to the different interconnected paths that lead to all these beautiful blooms.

You are meant to thrive. You are meant to succeed. You have to surrender and trust that this is true. And since this is true, all your wildest dreams and desires are also true.

If you’re struggling with reaching your dream career or business goals and an inability to clarify  and see your success and feeling like you just can’t get it together, I want you to know that a lot of other people are in the same boat. The best thing you can do is recognize it and commit to getting help and remember that there’s a huge community out there to support you.  

Get support for your big dream! Ongoing support is one key to breaking through goal achievement challenges, and Manifest Your 6-Figure Dream Program provides exactly that. Over the course of the coaching program, you’ll learn to customize your own dream success tools to help you achieve your most meaningful goals and take control of your time.  

Click here for more information and to make an appointment with us to register.   


Here's what you get in this checklist:

• Top 10 Secret Actions You Can Take NOW to Manifest Your 6-Figure Dream Job

• A Fast Start with Your 6-Figure Dream Job Search

• A Colorful Printable Checklist to Post and Keep You on Track

BONUS 15-Minute Top Secrets Dream Job Audio Training (Downloadable Mp3)

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Here's what you get in this roadmap:

• Prepare to take action

• Declutter your mind, time and environment

 • Focus  on your passion, and talent to identify your Dream Job

BONUS Dream Career Affirmations to begin journaling and meditating


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