When most people who believe in the word of God talk about purpose, the conversation always seems to find its way back to one scripture, in particular, Jeremiah 29:11, which says: 

“‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 

If you believe God has laid out your purpose for you to follow, then what could you possibly have to fear? It’s time to rise up, step out on faith, and turn the dreams that were placed on your heart into a reality!

Fear and doubt may try to come for you, especially when you start to get serious about chasing your calling. But you CAN overcome it and manifest the resources you need to step into your next chapter of life with confidence!

The first step to getting to your next season of life is to accept that fear is normal, but realize you have a choice in how you respond to your anxiety. You can choose to let fear keep you in a stuck place, or you can choose to trust the scripture of Jeremiah 29:11 and believe that God’s got you covered—even if you’re fearful.

Next, it’s time to get clear on what exactly it is that you want. 

Manifesting the pay grade that you’d like to earn is a lot easier when you can visualize your goals. So, get out your journal, write what you want for your future in full detail. You can never be too specific, so let loose detailing your wildest dreams! 

After you’ve pushed through your fear and gotten clear on your vision, all that’s left is to take action! 

If you believe God has laid out your purpose for you to follow, then what could you possibly have to fear? It’s time to rise up, step out on faith, and turn the dreams that were placed on your heart into a reality! Here’s how you can get started:

  1. Get out your journal and write down your dream. 

Journaling will help you get clear on your goals and visualize your dream in its complete picture. And you can never get too specific with this step! So jot down dates, timelines, and anything else to help you fine-tune your vision. Make it SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and anchored within a Time Frame).

  1. Break down your goals into small steps. 

Fear and doubt may try to come for you, especially when you get serious about chasing your calling. But you can make your dream feel more tangible by creating actionable steps for you to take. Make yourself a plan, and then stick to it!

  1. Take action. 

Manifesting your dreams isn’t about drawing up a vision board and waiting for opportunities to fall in your lap. Instead, you have to get out there and make things happen.

Is it time for you to do some more networking or revise your success tool kit? Look back to your plan and start taking those steps towards your goals! 

James 2:14 says: “What good is it, my brothers and sisters, if someone claims to have faith but has no deeds? Can such faith save them?

Faith without works is dead. So if you are ready to level up in your dream and life, it’s time to get to work. And Coach Lisa is here to help! Schedule a Discovery Call today and get ready to be empowered to walk in your purpose! 

Hey I’ve Got Some AMAZING News To Share!

We are Seeking 25  Dreamers Who Want to Take their Business and Career to the Next Level!  Join me this Friday at 2pm Est   Where I will share all the details.  >> RSVP HERE! <<  

Free Session: Learn How to Dream, Decide, Do Anything, with Dream Coach, Lisa Ealy (Tuesday, November 9 at 5pm edt) Valued at $197 – Free RSVP >> Click Here  <<

We have finalized  the dates for our 5-Day Dream Challenge! Get on the waitlist to receive the details first and special prize opportunities. >> Click Here!   (December 13-17) Just in Time to Make Big Dreams for 2022!

Go Deep! Get Scheduled Now!! >> Schedule a Discovery Call  << 

Need a supportive community? Join an engaged community of like-minded dreamers on Facebook  >> Click Here << to join our engaged community online!

Have these blogs and newsletters been a blessing? We are both a ministry and business. I invite you to Buy Us A Coffee . We thank you in advance!


Here's what you get in this checklist:

• Top 10 Secret Actions You Can Take NOW to Manifest Your 6-Figure Dream Job

• A Fast Start with Your 6-Figure Dream Job Search

• A Colorful Printable Checklist to Post and Keep You on Track

BONUS 15-Minute Top Secrets Dream Job Audio Training (Downloadable Mp3)

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Here's what you get in this roadmap:

• Prepare to take action

• Declutter your mind, time and environment

 • Focus  on your passion, and talent to identify your Dream Job

BONUS Dream Career Affirmations to begin journaling and meditating


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