If you believe that 2022 will be your greatest year yet, then it’s time to switch gears and start acting like this year is already yours! (Because it is!)

You can finally manifest the life of your dreams this year, but only if you’re willing first to get clear about your goals. So, whether the plan to switch careers or even start your own business has been on your heart, I’m going to walk you through three steps to help you find clarity and manifest BIG dreams!

Step one: Think BIG. 

That’s right. Think BIG, as in “built in God.” 

The talents and passions you possess that help you dare to dream BIG didn’t just fall into your lap without reason. You have a purpose that’s built in God, so don’t be afraid to think BIG! 

Remember, you are the light of the world. So as the scripture goes, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven (Matthew 5:14-16). What dream is too big for Him to handle? 

Step two: Visualize your goal in full detail. 

What better way to get clear on your goals than by imagining them in full color? Ask yourself: 

  • How will I feel when I achieve my dream? 
  • What does it look like to reach my goals? 
  • What do I gain by achieving them? 
  • Where will I be when I reach my goals? 

Visualization is a major key in manifestation, so don’t be afraid to whip out your journal or create a vision board to help you find clarity! 

Step three: Set SMART goals. 

We’re not wasting our time in 2022, so do yourself a favor and use this framework for goal-setting. 

What are SMART Goals?

The SMART in SMART goals is an acronym for a method of goal setting. This method was designed so that you’ll be able to set goals the right way and have a better chance of achieving them. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.

  1. Specific

Setting goals such as you want to have a successful business or to make more money is not good goal-setting. Why? They’re too vague. You’ll have to set more specific goals such as “I want 10 more clients by the end of the year” or “I want to make $10,000 per month”. Those goals are specific. When thinking about your goals, answer five questions:

What goal do I want to accomplish?

Which resources would I need to accomplish this goal?

Where is it located?

Why is this goal important to me?

Who do I need to accomplish this goal?

  1. Measurable

If you don’t set measurable goals then you’ll never be quite sure when you reach them. For example, if you say you want to make more money, you have to define how much money and by when. You should be able to track the progress of your goals. For example, say you’d like to earn $10,000 per month, if you’re keeping a record of your earnings, you’ll be able to see whether or not you’ve achieved that goal.

  1. Achievable

Yes, the sky is still the limit but we also have to be honest with ourselves about the goals we set out to accomplish. Goals need to be realistic.

If you’re making $500 a month then maybe your goal shouldn’t be $10,000 a month right away, but maybe $1000 per month. Wanting to make 10,000 a month may be what you truly want but it may not be possible just yet for a multitude of reasons. 

While trying to earn $1000 a month may seem like too small a goal, you’d be doubling your income and so you could look at it that way.

  1. Relevant

Knowing why you’re setting a goal and whether or not it’s worthwhile is important. For example, if your goal is to make $10,000 per month, think about why you chose that number. If your goal is traveling twelve times for the year, why?

Sometimes we absorb other people’s goals and we feel bad when we don’t achieve them. One way to know if the goal is relevant is by considering whether or not it’s the right time. Maybe a pandemic isn’t the right time to be setting traveling goals. You can also think about if the goal is worthwhile. What will you gain from achieving this goal and do I care enough to work towards it? Answering these questions honestly can save you time and energy.

  1. Time-Bound

Finally, an important key in goal setting is to give the goal a deadline. For example, saying that you want to attend 10 networking events for 2022 is different from saying you want to attend more networking events. With the former goal, you know you have until December 2022 to attend these events and you’ll be able to plan accordingly. When you have a specific date attached to your goal, you can prioritize the tasks needed to achieve the goals better.

You’ve already dared to dream, so let’s make your dreams come to life by finding clarity and setting the right goals!

If you’re ready to manifest BIG dreams in 2022, this is why I am hosting, “Create An Extraordinary Life” on January 11th and 12th. RSVP HERE!!

Dream, decide, and do anything this year, and start cashing in on your dreams here >> Subscribe Now!  Get access to our newsletter for free resources, tips, and tools to help you cash in on your dreams.


Here's what you get in this checklist:

• Top 10 Secret Actions You Can Take NOW to Manifest Your 6-Figure Dream Job

• A Fast Start with Your 6-Figure Dream Job Search

• A Colorful Printable Checklist to Post and Keep You on Track

BONUS 15-Minute Top Secrets Dream Job Audio Training (Downloadable Mp3)

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Here's what you get in this roadmap:

• Prepare to take action

• Declutter your mind, time and environment

 • Focus  on your passion, and talent to identify your Dream Job

BONUS Dream Career Affirmations to begin journaling and meditating


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