“A dream is a promise that God gives to a person in a significant season of their life’”

I want you to close your eyes for a moment and imagine what it would be like if your wildest dream became true. 

Of course, it would feel amazing to finally enjoy the fruits of your labor. But imagine if your wildest dream became true and then some. That’s what happens when your dreams are built in God, aka BIG—your cup overflows.

So if you’ve found yourself working hard yet producing little, or maybe you just feel entirely out of alignment with your current path, stop and ask yourself, “Am I dreaming BIG enough?” Your unhappiness and lack of peace should be your first clues that the answer might be no.

Proverbs 16:3 tells us to “Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.” So if you’re willing to walk in your purpose and let your steps be guided, then nothing can stop you now!

Dreaming BIG gives you the confidence to tap into everything that’s in store for you and take the first step towards the place that’s prepared especially for you. The only thing that’s left for you to do now is to decide and do. 

Psalms 119:105 says, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” No one said that the road to success would be easy, but when you dream on purpose, you’ll never be lost. All that you need to guide you to your destination is already inside you. You just have to trust yourself and God to see you all the way through.

Are you ready to dream bigger than to do this right now? Take these steps and journal your thoughts.

What idea, vision, hope, goal or “dream” do you have in your heart that is “bigger than you?” Take some time to allow yourself to dream – to even dream big! Yes, this may be beyond your current skills or even resources to pull off, but for the purpose of this exercise … allow yourself to fully dream. 

Write down as much about these thoughts, visions and dreams as you can. Write it down as if you are already living it out. 

What would you feel like? 

What would you be doing? 

Where would you be living?

This activity will capture your target. Once you have a BIG target then you can work backwards. 

So, if you are still stuck and you’ve been trying to “unstuck” yourself and finally live your dream life, it’s not impossible. It just starts with you. It can start here and now. Whenever you’re ready to go after your BIG dream, let’s talk! We’ll connect, discuss your challenges and then decide on your next steps towards achieving your goals. 

If you’re ready to take things to the next level and dream, decide, and do it with the help of Coach Lisa, then apply for your discovery call.  Schedule your discovery call here.  Get ready to start taking steps towards your dream life!

I’m here to help you reach your dream and be a source of support too. 

Be the first to get notified when we launch our 5 Day Challenge 

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If you are ready to go deeper and think that working more closely with Coach Lisa is your next step Get Scheduled Now and see how we can help you close the gap between where you are now and your dream. Schedule a Discovery Call and get ready to collapse time on your BIG (build-in God) Career and Business Goals this year! 

Need a supportive community? Join an engaged community of like-minded dreamers on Facebook click here to join our engaged community online!


Here's what you get in this checklist:

• Top 10 Secret Actions You Can Take NOW to Manifest Your 6-Figure Dream Job

• A Fast Start with Your 6-Figure Dream Job Search

• A Colorful Printable Checklist to Post and Keep You on Track

BONUS 15-Minute Top Secrets Dream Job Audio Training (Downloadable Mp3)

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Here's what you get in this roadmap:

• Prepare to take action

• Declutter your mind, time and environment

 • Focus  on your passion, and talent to identify your Dream Job

BONUS Dream Career Affirmations to begin journaling and meditating


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