After finding 8 jobs out of 10 since 1991 / in the last 25 years (the last several 6 figures +) through pure networking any and everywhere but mostly on Linkedin.  I have helped hundreds to do the same. I learned one important thing about the hidden job market: the vast majority of high paying roles will be found without following the formal jobs sites, processes and tiresome online application hurdles.  I know the secrets  on how 10x Your Network even during a pandemic especially in this job market that is heating up.

Did you know that 85% of all jobs are filled through networking? That’s right, meaning job referrals are the name of the game if you want to be one step ahead of your competitors. The hidden job market is thriving, and it could be your ticket to landing your dream job!

 It’s evident that relying on your resume alone isn’t always enough to get your foot in the door, so you’ve got to get out there and go to the recruiters, and not the other way around. Here are the top 3 mistakes to avoid when seeking job referrals on LinkedIn.

Do’s and Don'ts of Networking

Mistake 1: You haven’t done your research.

Don’t: Send a generic cold message to a recruiter asking for information about open positions. This tells recruiters that you haven’t done your homework, and you’re relying on them to do the heavy lifting for you.

Do: Identify the open position you’re interested in, and then send a personal message that mentions your interest in the role and why you reached out to them specifically. Remember, recruiters are real people, too, so treat them as such.

Mistake 2: You tell recruiters your entire life’s story.

Don’t: Overwhelm recruiters with unnecessary long messages. Recruiters are busy professionals too, and they might opt to read a concise message over your essay.

Do: Be clear and straight to the point. Make your message personable, but keep it short and relevant to the company or organization you’re reaching out about in the first place.

Mistake 3: You ask for a referral from a new connection right away.

Don’t: Message someone you don’t know to ask for a referral before you’ve even shown them why you want a recommendation or deserve one.

Do: Get an introduction from a mutual connection if you can to increase your credibility. If not, you can build your case with a recruiter and demonstrate why you’re a good fit for the company.

 Cold messaging recruiters doesn’t have to be intimidating if you know how to do it the right way.  Quantum leap  your chances of landing your dream job by networking or connecting with a recruiter or hiring manager today!


Upcoming Events: 

June 2, 2021  Click Here > "Manifest Your $100k Dream Job!” < Join me at 5:30pm EST 

June 15, June 22, June, 29 - Jumpstart Your Dream Job Training Series >>Click Here  to Invest.

Additional Resources: 

Ready to Learn a bit more about  How to 10x Your Network? Click Here for my #1 Most requested Training.

Ready To Learn More >> Schedule a Discovery Call and get the details  to collapse  time on your BIG Career Goals!

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• Declutter your mind, time and environment

 • Focus  on your passion, and talent to identify your Dream Job

BONUS Dream Career Affirmations to begin journaling and meditating


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